Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Last week, I went to lunch with a friend. As we were having lunch, she looked at me and said "I am not sure if getting pregnant was a good idea. It is too late now"... 

I sat there and listen to her feelings... 

and then I listen to my feelings. I looked at her and said, "do you have any idea of what I would give up to be you right now?" I literally did not mean her, I meant to be able to say to people the words: "I am pregnant!"

I am actually looking forward to experience all the pregnancy symptoms out there. I want to feel tired because a little person is growing inside me... I want my boobs to hurt, I want my feet to be swollen... and I want to pee every two seconds! I honestly cannot wait for the day I come home and "complaint" about being pregnant! 

At the end of the pregnancy, you get your bundle of joy and a new chapter of life starts... 

Besides all the symptoms, one thing that I really cannot wait to do is to start buying (yes, I am shopaholic!) things for the nursery. I have been staring at pictures of nurseries for a while now and here are some of my favorite designs: 


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